Thursday, December 12, 2013

Whew!!!!....Just an intro!

 Hey Peeps! So I'm getting married! To the love of my life! With no engagement yet! Our courtship is coming close to the end! We're planning early & it's the best decision we could make together! 
See I've known that this day would come in July 2011 ;) God told me he was the one for me. Crazy right!? I just love my baby! We've been courting since July 26th! It's been a crazy few years! A long distant relationship! Me getting on planes & trains to see this dude! --------------> & I honestly wouldn't trade that in for anything! But that's enough of my mushy talk..... Lately my babe and I have made once again another decision together to do something "different". The first decision is...doing pre-marital counseling before the engagement. Some thought I was making the most backwards decision in life. O_o
But for us it was the best decision to make. Any-who, here's just a taste of how babe & I feel at the moment! Mine is a tad bit longer than his ;)

Words from J, "The wonderful thing about courtship is that, everyday u are planning for your marriage...if you two are constantly seeking God, the engagement and the wedding just come with the territory...that's one of the best things I love about our courtship!"
Words from C (That's me!), "Some may feel a certain kind of way about me posting this, but it's whatever! I'm so Thankful that J & I are doing what we're doing. Our courtship has been great! We've had our ups & downs! Some don't understand why we have set a date before the "ring". Some didn't understand why we did pre marital counseling before the engagement. I mean it was "pre" martial...! I get tradition. I get that not to many people plan before the engagement. I get the "normal". But for us, and what we're doing is our normal, It's what God told us to do. He gave us the okay! That's all the push that I need, that's all the acceptance I need. I don't need a ring to know that our love is real. I didn't have a ring during our courtship, but always knew despite the distance and everything, that marriage was where we'd end up. I know it's coming, I don't have ANY worries. Our engagement is going to amazing! Simply because Most of the planning is done... We'll get to enjoy each other and the bliss of what's to come---> Our life together :))) I'm confident in what God has given me & confirmed! You don't have to understand mine...or what baby & I have going on. People will talk that talk & throw shade, in front of me & behind my back. The great thing is that this isn't your choice it's ours. But some will come from a pure place of truly wanting to understand, and It's understood & appreciated! God is indeed tight, and the way he's working right now is breathtaking! So for all the peeps out there who are doing something outside the box, or not the norm, don't let ppl tear you down or make you feel like what God told you to do is wrong. Walk firmly in the path that he's laid before you, no matter how crazy it may be to others. We're doing some out of the box type stuff to some & Trust me I know! I had my reservations, and knew ppl would talk bad about me behind my back & to my friends, and etc. But God has just been telling me to not lean on my own understanding & to trust him! It's been challenging but I have & he's been showing himself strong! Babe & I are planning our wedding before the engagement. Because of our situation it works that way! Man God is amazing! Our Guest list is set. Venue is set. Bridal Party is set! Just to name a few.... I'm just so Thankful! God takes care of his....and If only some knew or asked us about our story, instead of judging so quickly, then maybe you'd understand.... ;) Sorry for some who may think I'm putting tooooo much out on social media. I don't agree, but to each their own. I'm very aware of what I put out on my page. The blessing about this that two ladies one older & younger told me just how encouraged she was by what Babe & I are doing. I was shocked! Lol It reminded me that your story isn't yours to keep to yourself. Be an example and tell it... some stories NEED to be told! Your mess is a message! Your tests are your testimony! WHY NOT SHARE!???? What you're going through good or bad may just bless & encourage someone else. Nonetheless, this is my journey & I really have nothing to hide ;)"
With allllllllllllll that being said, what I've personally been learning is.....
1. People will ALWAYS have something to say no matter how big or small...when they don't understand something or don't agree. 
2. Do what's right for YOU! For everyone's situation is indeed different.
3. The older you get you find out who your TRUE friends are. (But I was already hip...)
4. That Christ did some crazy things....and ppl dissed him. And as his child I'm going to go through some crazy things and do some crazy things and ppl will indeed diss me! Lol That won't stop me though ;)
5. That I'm stronger than I think.
6. That unconditional love will always be present around me. Through Christ & my future husband J!
7. I've learned that we're doing nothing wrong.... that ppl are out here having sex before marriage, smoking whatever they can, Bath salts, eating ppl's hearts out, bullying each other, killing ppl, idk selling drugs....just stuff that's far worse, yet us planning for our wedding is completely unreal & crazy!? It's funny to me....
8. That people's opinions don't matter. BUT for the few that have some amazing wisdom, THANK YOU! I'm learning to always use discernment, it's OH SO IMPORTANT!
9. Last but not least, trusting God without boarders! Without limits! GOD IS LIMITLESS!...smh he's breathtaking...When you put your all into trusting God... he'll lead you right to where he wants you to be! He tight!
I've actually learned a BUNCH of stuff..... but you'd be reading this blog for years Lol...So stay tuned! This is me, being me...sharing my journey freely with you. J & I can't wait to share our journey thus far! So welcome to Garner Central, our limitless Love Story.

-Crys & J

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